Information for the Faculty of Human Sciences.

Transfer and Teach-out Principles

ASQC this week endorsed the Transfer and Teach-Out Principles which will guide the transitioning of our current students into the 2020 Curriculum Architecture.

Points to note:

The intention is to transfer our current students to the 2020 architecture however, there is recognition that there may be good reasons why some students may need to be taught out. The underlying principle is that no student will be disadvantaged ie. stay longer or pay more (see Transfer and Teach-Out Principles for types of disadvantage to be considered).

A template for applying for teach-out is being developed by the Program Beacon team and all teach-out plans will require approval. The templates will be shared as soon as they become available 

The expectation is that the work on transitioning students starts now and is completed and all approved by June in order to be able to migrate students after census date in Session 2. Refer to timeline in the Principles paper. We are currently in the stage called ‘High level course to course mapping’.

FoHS Faculty process:

Course Directors / Departments should start thinking about their course/s and how students can be transitioned. It is recognized that there may be different solutions for each cohort.

The Faculty has requested a complete list of all FoHS current courses, with student numbers (including numbers for all versions/majors where students are admitted) and this will be shared with each Department when it is available. 

The first stage is to identify courses where the transition will be simple (ie. little or no change overall to course structure and all or most students can be transitioned) versus those that will require teach-out of all or most students (such as undergraduate Education courses).

We will start with the Bachelor of Human Sciences as test case on managing transfer. In doing so we will be identifying the issues and looking at a range of solutions and this will be shared with Departments once completed as it may help to guide discussions within Departments. Issues to be resolved for the Bachelor of Human Sciences include: the Communication Disorders major is being discontinued, there is a new course level capstone, changes to the major structures and units, complications with double degrees and students doing double majors. Possible solutions will include deeming and saving cases for students, transferring students to new versions of majors etc. 

Further information and help:

Overview of the Program Beacon Change Implementation – what’s involved, timelines, project deliverables etc

The Program Beacon Team can be contacted via email to

There is a wiki (still under development) where information and updates will be stored for all to access available here: Program Beacon 2019

Stay tuned for further updates as more information, data and forms become available.

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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